A Non-Gamer goes “Free Guy”

LEVEL 1 — HE SHOOTS So, true confessions — I’ve never even held a video game controller. No X-Box, Nintendo, or Wii. No Fortnite, League of Legends, or Grand Theft Auto. I’m no anti-gamer, I’ve just had too much other stuff to do to make the time. Then what time I did have filled up with marriage, family, writing, scripts, … Read More

FaceBook Live Chat — “Character: What+Why=Who”

“VESSEL TIME LIVE” with author Anna M. Elias Writers invent characters whole cloth for their fictional tales. These people have to feel real on the page or screen or we don’t connect. Old or young, villain or hero, killer or savior, they must “live and breathe” in their world as we do in ours – warts and all. How do … Read More

FaceBook Live Chat — “Politics: Surviving A House Divided”

“Vessels Time Live” Weekly Facebook chat with author, Anna M. Elias In light of the election, I use examples from my own life to talk about how to stay whole in a family that does NOT vote alike. I also spotlight The Vessels’ rift between Governor Ron Galt and his estranged father, Sam Fullerton. It’s a political battle that, if … Read More